What is TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)?

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a way to keep equipment running smoothly without any problems. The goal is to have no breakdowns, no slowdowns, no defects, and no accidents. TPM tries to make equipment work as well as possible by taking care of it before problems happen. Principles of TPM TPM aims to create a…

Reduce Plant Downtime

How to Reduce Plant Downtime and Increase Productivity?

Effective ways to reduce plant downtime and increase productivity in the manufacturing plants are enlisted below –  Downtime is the loss of productivity in manufacturing industries due to the lack of equipment maintenance, real-time machine health data insights and human error. It is one of the most critical issues in the processes and operations of…

Ultrasound Monitoring for Predictive Maintenance

Ultrasound Monitoring for Predictive Maintenance

Ultrasound can be effectively used for predictive and condition based maitnenance for detecting rubbing, lubrication, leaks, bearing and gear faults. It can also be used for detecting arcing in electrical equipment’s. Overview Sound waves with frequency over the human audible frequency range are called ultrasound. These are sound waves that have a frequency of 20…

Vibration Sensors Types, Applications, Selection and Price

Vibration Sensors Types, Applications, Selection and Price

Are you looking for vibration sensors for your rotating machines? Know how to evaluate and select the right sensor for your predictive maintenance. Measuring and analyzing vibration has got many applications across industries in today’s times. In this article, you are going to know detailed information about vibration sensors. You will be knowing here all…

IoT Gateway Architecture and Selection

IoT Gateway Architecture and Selection

IoT Gateways: The Importance of Selecting the right IoT Gateway for your application What is an IoT Gateway? An Internet of Things (IoT) gateway is a physical device or software application that serves as the point of connection between the IoT application server and end devices. All data moving to and from the IoT application…

Condition Based Monitoring (CBM) for predictive maintenance of ultra low RPM machines

Condition Based Monitoring (CBM) for predictive maintenance of ultra low RPM machines

Using conventional vibration monitoring on low RPM rotating machineries (RPM ~0 to 60) is difficult. Why? What are the usual measurements you need to make on low RPM machines? S.N. Parameter Sensor Measurement System 1. VibrationAccelerationVelocityDisplacement Minimum 500 mV/g low frequency accelerometer with low floor noise. You can also use a 100mV/g with an envelope…

Predictive maintenance in automotive industry

Predictive maintenance in automotive industry

Why do we need to move towards Predictive maintenance of vehicles in the automotive industry? As we know we are moving towards Industrial 4.0 and predictive maintenance is playing a vital role in it. Similarly, Automobile industries also started adopting predictive maintenance at a very high scale (Especially Electric Vehicles) to rip benefits of it….

Gearbox Condition Monitoring Software

Gearbox Condition Monitoring Software

This article explains how condition based maintenance and predictive maintenance techniques like vibration analysis can be used for improving gear box reliability. Gearbox normally used for transmission of power between Electrical, mechanical or hydraulic devices, or different components within the same system.  Gearboxes consist of a different range of gear types, like worm gears, bevel…


Bearing Condition Monitoring

Bearing condition monitoring industry 4.0 manufacturing captures bearing failure lead to loss of billions via shutdowns. Wana Save! How? Let’s get into this. By using Bearing condition monitoring techniques we can reduce costly shutdowns by detecting various types of failure at very early stages. Bearing is an essential part of rotating machines and to monitor…

Infrared Thermography (Thermal Scanning)

Infrared Thermography (Thermal Scanning)

What is Thermography (Thermal Scanning)? SPECTRIAL BANDS RANGE (µm) DETECTOR MATERIALS APPLICATIONS NIR 0.74-1 SiO2 Telecommunications SWIR 1-3 InGaAs, PBS Remote Sensing MWIR 3-5 InSb, PbSe, PtSi, HgCdTe High-Temperature inspection(Indoor Scientific research) LWIR 8-14 HgCdTe Ambient temperature(Outdoor Industrial Inspection) VLWIR 14-1000 – Spectrometry, astronomy How does Thermal Camera Work? Thermal Camera Detects Infrared energy emitted…

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